Sunday, May 31, 2009

Flat Stanley arrives in Guatemala

Hey McLaughlin friends......Flat Stanley has arrived in Guatemala City, Guatemala.

I decided that he should see his adventure so I packed him outside the suitcase.

Flat Stanley is glad to be out from behind all that shrink wrap. He told me that he did not let anyone in my suitcase. My other checked luggage had a note inside to let me know that it had been inspected inside.


  1. Yes, I did not make my bed but I did brush my teeth.

  2. Did you brush your teeth "good" or "well"?
    So Grandmommy made the bed?


  3. Great Start for Stanley and for Sherrie!! Way to go. I hope that your stay here in Guatemala is as successful as your trip down here. Have fun!

  4. I am glad you and Flat Stanley are there safely! Have a good trip and tell us all of your adventures!


  5. hey mom nice page!!!!!


  6. Praying for you down there...
    Nice to see pics!!!
    Will keep up on your blog!
    Thanks!!! :o)
    Hugs from Sue in Ohio...

  7. Thanks for visiting us in school. You are taking good care of Stanley. On Thursday we are having an ice cream party. We love you and miss you a lot.
    Mrs. Gottardi's Class

  8. Mrs. Marshall,
    Thank you so much for letting us look at beautiful flowers. We enjoyed seeing Flat Stanley in Guatemala. Tomorrow is our last day of school. We enjoyed our field trip to the library. We will check back tomorrow to see if you have any more pictures to share with us before we leave for summer vacation. Everyone made their bed this morning,except Charlie. His brother will help him tomorrow. Everyone except Dario brushed their teeth. We have told him he needs to brush them as soon as he gets home. Have fun with Flat Stanley.
    Mrs. Kemp's Class

  9. Your loving husbandJune 4, 2009 at 1:35 PM


    The 'blog' looks good-I never thought that I would ever say that word let alone have a wife who does it!

    Great pictures!

    Wandering where all the soccer ons are?

    It looks as if you are having a great time and seeing the sights.

    How about getting a picture of some kids playing street soccer?

    Keep it up.

    I love you,



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